
Home \ Common \ What are conditions for being housed in your institution?

What are conditions for being housed in your institution?

April 28th, 2015

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The following conditions must be met: 

(1) Intellectual Disability

1. Household registration in Taiwan and holder of Booklet for the Disabled.

2. Women over 18 years old.

3. People with moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability or people with multiple disabilities including intellectual disability.

4. Must be free from psychiatric illness, legal epidemics, pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis B and AIDS.

5. Must be free from serious illness that requires intubation, neostomy or long term medical care.

6. Must not be pregnant, or taking or injecting contraband drugs habitually.

7. Must have normal behavior and with the ability to adapt to living in groups.

8. Qualified by the evaluation committee upon expiry of the trial lodging period.

(2) Cases of Sexual Transaction Prevention

1. Female victims mandated and placed by city or county governments for counseling in accordance with the Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act.

2. Youth or children mandated and placed by court decision in accordance with item 3, section 1, article 42 of the Law Governing the Disposition of Juvenile Case.

3. Protective cases transferred and placed by city or county governments.

4. Placed individuals must be free from psychiatric or epidemic illness.

5. Placed individuals must not be pregnant, or taking or injecting contraband drugs habitually without detention.

6. Placed individuals must have normal behavior and with the ability to adapt to living with groups.